When it comes to Maximum Hydration (which this regimen is designed to give your hair), think about the effect water has on the hair. When your hair is wet, your hair responds positively to the moisture, getting softer. But because you don't have high enough levels of moisture retention, once your hair dries it feels brittle, rough, frizzy, and dry. This is what "nappy" hair is.
It is not a hair "type". A hair type is your porosity, density, thickness, and your coil/curl/zigzag pattern. Dehydrated hair is not a type, because it can be overcome, and your hair does not want to stay dehydrated, the same way chronically dry skin doesn’t want to stay dehydrated.
Nappy hair is chronically dehydrated hair that never seems to absorb or retain enough moisture. All the symptoms of "nappyness" (ie. dryness, roughness, brittleness, and frizz) are solely caused by lack of moisture.
It is not a hair "type". A hair type is your porosity, density, thickness, and your coil/curl/zigzag pattern. Dehydrated hair is not a type, because it can be overcome, and your hair does not want to stay dehydrated, the same way chronically dry skin doesn’t want to stay dehydrated.
This method allows you to understand, manipulate, and control the factors that cause your hair to remain chronically dry. It allows you to absorb moisture and retain it, changing your hair dramatically. Now imagine what will happen as you build up moisture retention levels within your hair shaft. The water won't just be sitting on your hair anymore, leaving your hair temporarily soft while it's sitting on the closed cuticles, and evaporating and leaving your hair dehydrated. The effect is going to be from the inside of your hair, and more permanent. So even when your hair isn't sopping wet, or has product, it will be able to stay soft and have significantly less frizz while dry. This is maximum hydration.
Think about it like this. If you were always soaking in the bathtub, but never drank water, that will help your skin feel soft (until the water evaporated). However you will still be dehydrated, on the inside, where it matters the most. It wouldn't be enough to let the water just sit on your skin, you have to actually get it inside you as well. Sealing in moisture is important too. If you always bathed and never put on lotion, your skin would be soft for a while, and once the water evaporates before the rest can be absorbed, your skin would be left dry.
Think about it like this. If you were always soaking in the bathtub, but never drank water, that will help your skin feel soft (until the water evaporated). However you will still be dehydrated, on the inside, where it matters the most. It wouldn't be enough to let the water just sit on your skin, you have to actually get it inside you as well. Sealing in moisture is important too. If you always bathed and never put on lotion, your skin would be soft for a while, and once the water evaporates before the rest can be absorbed, your skin would be left dry.
Can resistant gray hair benefit from this method?